Hands Free

I  spent time at the picturesque YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park basking in sunlight, relaxation and spiritual retreat among friends. I marvel at how it all came together WITHOUT my prompting, pushing, shoving, controlling.

A fellow participant and I enjoy a scenic ride upward into the hills, my roommate is one whom I respect and admire, I connect with a new member of our tribe,  plus make the acquaintance of several fresh, vibrant spiritual beings.  The food delights my palate. I feel no rush or hurray. I get to dance and sing, unabashed, unafraid. I expand through ritual and process.

As we ascend we enjoy a new favorite meal and my companion finds it swell–as well! HA!

How sweet LIFE is!

Still, I am struck by how  little I put into expecting of this event and yet it is a rich, RICH experience. I continue to feel the buzz days later of receiving a Oneness Blessing. Peace, clarity and uplift are mine.  Even when I am not hyper-vigilant planning, expecting, sculpting my life and experiences something else is–how astonishing–and with my best intentions at heart to boot! Then, exceeding my wildest dreams, propelling me to experiences beyond what I previously understood to be possible.


A bit of Judge Thomas Troward [from The Spirit of Opulence]:

The danger is in not sufficiently realizing my own richness, and in looking upon the externalized products of my creative power as being the true riches instead of the creative power of Spirit itself.

I am intrigued by this possibility of living more  as though one is driving a car along a windy mountain road hands free than white knuckling  it every inch of the way.
