Unity in the Leaf of a Tree

A human being and I discussed the connection between a human being and Source. I envision God as an ocean, each human being a drop of the ocean. He envisions God as tree, each human being a leaf of the tree, individual yet a part of the whole and inherently embody the all of the whole.

The Axioms of Reason declare that that Which is Infinite cannot be divided against Itself. The infinite is, therefore, Indivisible and consequently a Perfect Unit. “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is One Lord.” 10 It is also, “That Whose Center is everywhere and Whose circumference is nowhere.” All of It is present at any and every point within It. It is not approaching a point nor receding from it, but is always at it. The Whole of God is present at any and every point within God. It was to this Indwelling Spirit that Jesus prayed; for God is within man as well as throughout all Creation. It is, “That thread of the All-Sustaining Beauty Which runs through all and doth all unite. “His lines have gone out into all places.” 11 “There is no place where God is not.” This concept enabled Job to say, “In my flesh shall I see God.” 12 All Life is bound together by One common law of Love, and Love is the Self-Givingness if Spirit, manifested in and through all that is visible and invisible. It was the realization of this One Presence that illuminated the saints and sages of the past. “I and the Father are One.” 13 “The Father dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works.” 14 We must come to sense this Marvelous Presence; for It is the secret of metaphysical work; God in all and through all.”

The Science of Mind Facsimile of the 1926 Edition
, p 34
Ernest Holmes

How do you describe the human being’s connection with God?