On A Clear Day…I can see truth

The really cool part is the more I sink into this teaching, the more I practice what I “teach” the more I am amazed.

For a reason I don’t know or cannot remember I have been adding CLARITY to my spiritual mind treatments for myself. So yes, I am seeing life with more clarity. But the unexpected side effect is a desire to literally clear things out–in my work and home office. Clutter apparently does not co-exist well when one is attracting clarity.

On top of which even more subjects I wonder about become clearer. Praying for clarity is new to me. The Every Where Present knows as the book now on my radar screen is Truth, Triumph and Transformation: Sorting Out the Fact from the Fiction in Universal Law by Sandra Anne Taylor. Whomever does not believe we are all in this together, connecting by thought has not paid attention to experiences like this…I mean when did she start writing this book so that it was ready for  me now?

I am also remembering how when one ( or I) steep myself in the Presence, shift happens.

Suppose one is unable to convince herself of the Truth of the statement which he makes, how is she going to bring herself to a place of belief? By repeating his affirmation, dwelling on its meaning, meditating upon the spiritual significance of it, until the subjective state of her thinking becomes clarified. This is the only reason for repeating treatments, for one treatment would heal if there were no subjective doubts. Repeated treatments induce, within consciousness, a definite concept of an already established truth, even though the fact may not as yet have become objectified. This is why mental healing is scientific. There is no room for doubt in a treatment.

The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes, p 220.4

Nothing but the Truth

Okay, so the results are in and there may be stuff to address. The interesting spiritual part is my journey over the past few weeks towards sort of reckoning but more a brilliant walk up the Divine staircase.

I am speaking of remembering. Remembering truth. Touching TRUTH.

I represent the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. It is unerring, It never makes mistakes. There are no mistakes in the Divine Plan for me. There is no limitation, poverty, want nor lack. I stand in the midst of eternal opportunity, which is forever presenting me with the evidence of its full expression. I am joy, peace and happiness. I am the spirit of joy within me. I am the spirit of peace within me, of poise and of power. I am the spirit of happiness within me. I radiate Life; I am Life. There is One Life and that Life is my life now.

Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind 292.3

The thing is that no matter what I fear may happen to me I have a myriad of ways to respond and at the core is the strength, power and blessing of the Divine. I wonder how it is so easy to forget?

On the other hand, I marvel how Spirit tosses lit matches every once in a while to see if I am paying attention with opportunity to re-focus. God bless.

And so it is.


The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes p 282.4

Can you say, “Freaked out?”

I can. That describes me a number of hours ago.

I endured one of those medical tests hooking up human to machine expecting miraculous results. At least it is a miracle to me what can be gleaned from these tests. Anyway, having had my share of these tests before, and having received undesirable results, I was freaking out in my mind. Okay, well, probably full out panic was about to ensue as my mind doesn’t just wonder slowly down the lane but shifts into high gear like powering up a Maserati, smoothly moving into a direct sprint—not passing “Go,” not collecting the $200—zooming towards the least desirable outcome: cancer or some other debilitating or life threatening disease. Death was eminent.

Sometime later, when I least expected it, when I was reaching over the kitchen sink to turn off the water, my inner guide, that we small voice said, “Chill. You are not that bad.” Immediate elation filled me. Calmness, reason and core truth rained supreme, spread at the speed of light and commanded every vista. I felt I was born again, made new, fresh. Silliness and smiles were in bloom.

Yes, and then I considered whether or not I was going to believe the Divine. Yeah. I  know…pretty cocky of me. What can I say, I have that human thing going on…

Further, on my behalf, let me say, this medical crap has up ended me in the past, so my whole being is on alert for any similar events. Besides, the One did not leave me hanging or frown at my response, my questioning. Rather, being absent the egotistical trait, It logically guided me through powerful reasoning at my level, where I was/am at, reminding me that the last time I had this test I was freaked out, and then too the Divine said “ain’t no big thing.” It was remarkably correct. So right, in fact, I felt like I suddenly woke from a dream to find I was standing alone in a vacant backstage lot, wondering what I had been making all the fuss about before.

Though results aren’t back yet from the humans, I give thanks in this moment for the Every Where Present having my back and delivering super speedy results, keeping the sure, keen eye on eternal truth.

The Only Way to Know God

If one would know God, he must penetrate deeply into his own nature, for here alone can he find Him. If he would reveal God to his fellowmen, he must do so by living such a God-like life, that the Divine Essence flows through him to others. The only way to know God is to be like Him; and while this may seem discouraging in our present state of evolution, we should remember that we have but started on an eternal ladder which ever spirals upward.

The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes 443.4

What I find so fascinating about this is that the emphasis is not on being perfect, it is on being. It is not about being right, it is about doing right things, right actions–like showing kindness and compassion, patience and understanding. It is about being generous and well-meaning, then extending the benefit of doubt.

So I am thinking that to invoke Spirit one need only show kindness.


Could it be that simple?

It is not this Herculean task/effort that requires one to conjure lightning bolts from the sky–albeit the outcome may be as poignant. Rather it is as near to us as breath, as joyous as the laughter of a child, as heart-filled as if it came from Spirit itself.

I suspect too, that this holds the key to why I believe all people are inherently good. Because each one of us has within the ability to show kindness and therefore demonstrate our God-like life. Which is how the Divine may be everywhere present–for wherever people are there is an expression of Spirit who is inherently able to invoke God by just the simplest act of being kind.

And so it is.

Child-Like Faith

Matthew 18: 3, 4, 5

Jesus tells us that the child-like mind is more receptive to Truth than the over-intellectual who demand too rational an explanation of those truths which must be accepted on faith alone. What man can explains why he lives? The self-evident fact of living is the only explanantion possible or necessary.

The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes 443.1

Sometimes I think it is only my child-like wonder that allows me to see God as I do in everything and everywhere. I am not hung up on the need for proof as so many of my brethern. I accept a lot  on faith.

Pail Sideways

A pail turned on its side cannot be filled with rain from heaven.
Ernest Holmes, Words That Heal

Unity in the Leaf of a Tree

A human being and I discussed the connection between a human being and Source. I envision God as an ocean, each human being a drop of the ocean. He envisions God as tree, each human being a leaf of the tree, individual yet a part of the whole and inherently embody the all of the whole.

The Axioms of Reason declare that that Which is Infinite cannot be divided against Itself. The infinite is, therefore, Indivisible and consequently a Perfect Unit. “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is One Lord.” 10 It is also, “That Whose Center is everywhere and Whose circumference is nowhere.” All of It is present at any and every point within It. It is not approaching a point nor receding from it, but is always at it. The Whole of God is present at any and every point within God. It was to this Indwelling Spirit that Jesus prayed; for God is within man as well as throughout all Creation. It is, “That thread of the All-Sustaining Beauty Which runs through all and doth all unite. “His lines have gone out into all places.” 11 “There is no place where God is not.” This concept enabled Job to say, “In my flesh shall I see God.” 12 All Life is bound together by One common law of Love, and Love is the Self-Givingness if Spirit, manifested in and through all that is visible and invisible. It was the realization of this One Presence that illuminated the saints and sages of the past. “I and the Father are One.” 13 “The Father dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works.” 14 We must come to sense this Marvelous Presence; for It is the secret of metaphysical work; God in all and through all.”

The Science of Mind Facsimile of the 1926 Edition
, p 34
Ernest Holmes

How do you describe the human being’s connection with God?