
The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes p 282.4

Can you say, “Freaked out?”

I can. That describes me a number of hours ago.

I endured one of those medical tests hooking up human to machine expecting miraculous results. At least it is a miracle to me what can be gleaned from these tests. Anyway, having had my share of these tests before, and having received undesirable results, I was freaking out in my mind. Okay, well, probably full out panic was about to ensue as my mind doesn’t just wonder slowly down the lane but shifts into high gear like powering up a Maserati, smoothly moving into a direct sprint—not passing “Go,” not collecting the $200—zooming towards the least desirable outcome: cancer or some other debilitating or life threatening disease. Death was eminent.

Sometime later, when I least expected it, when I was reaching over the kitchen sink to turn off the water, my inner guide, that we small voice said, “Chill. You are not that bad.” Immediate elation filled me. Calmness, reason and core truth rained supreme, spread at the speed of light and commanded every vista. I felt I was born again, made new, fresh. Silliness and smiles were in bloom.

Yes, and then I considered whether or not I was going to believe the Divine. Yeah. I  know…pretty cocky of me. What can I say, I have that human thing going on…

Further, on my behalf, let me say, this medical crap has up ended me in the past, so my whole being is on alert for any similar events. Besides, the One did not leave me hanging or frown at my response, my questioning. Rather, being absent the egotistical trait, It logically guided me through powerful reasoning at my level, where I was/am at, reminding me that the last time I had this test I was freaked out, and then too the Divine said “ain’t no big thing.” It was remarkably correct. So right, in fact, I felt like I suddenly woke from a dream to find I was standing alone in a vacant backstage lot, wondering what I had been making all the fuss about before.

Though results aren’t back yet from the humans, I give thanks in this moment for the Every Where Present having my back and delivering super speedy results, keeping the sure, keen eye on eternal truth.

Child-Like Faith

Matthew 18: 3, 4, 5

Jesus tells us that the child-like mind is more receptive to Truth than the over-intellectual who demand too rational an explanation of those truths which must be accepted on faith alone. What man can explains why he lives? The self-evident fact of living is the only explanantion possible or necessary.

The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes 443.1

Sometimes I think it is only my child-like wonder that allows me to see God as I do in everything and everywhere. I am not hung up on the need for proof as so many of my brethern. I accept a lot  on faith.