The Walks Have Ears

So, with my move, I am now able walk to and from my day job. It is about a mile.

Well, mornings are lovely! It is cool and fresh and unhurried. Dew gently moistens surrounding foliage, buds are contemplating blooming. Quiet pervades the space as most folks aren’t truly awake yet, just walking around part comatose in their mobile homes.

Anyway, a couple days I was musing about a couple potential challenges, like the return walk occurring during the hottest part of the afternoon–3 PM.

As I am reaching my destination this morning, the Every Where Present, the still small voice reminds me that I love walking and mornings, so as the weather heats up why not extend my morning walk. Then take the free, afternoon shuttle home.

I love when that happens! When simple doable solutions present themselves without fanfare or fuss. Some folks talk about having a problem and then when they least expect an answer–like in the shower or when driving–it shows up. Well, in my experience it happens everywhere and with the smallest of issues, too.

So grateful, so blessed.

Bright Moments.