At the Speed of Light

I continue to be amazed by how fast the Universe, the Every Where Present responds to me.

I am walking through a grocery store feeling weighed down by life, challenged. I remember an Eldon Taylor affirmation:

Everything is so okay

Which at first I scoffed at….and now employ.

As I come to the front of the checkout line, I ask the clerk how much is on my gift card. He replies, “$40.”
“Wow!” I exclaim. Nearly double what I thought it might be, I think.

With that air puff of good cheer I remember who I am, that in this moment everything is quite fine. I entertain the idea that what I desire and “nearly double” more is now available to me. Wahoo!

And so it is.

Bright Moments Everyone!

My Cup Runneth Over

Once the bulk of my move was completed, my brother suggested I plan a housewarming within a month as incentive to get boxes open in a timely manner and to reconnect with friends in the area.

Well, the shindig happened Friday evening. My expectations were minimal: I would be THRILLED if just my sister and sister-in-law to be joined me. Plus, even the thought those two were coming for a visit would be good incentive to get settled.

So I sent out an invite to about 15 lady friends. 9 folks showed! Two men…and may I say, “WHAT FUN!”

Had no idea what to expect as I simply moved in to a nice apartment and do not need any “thing.” We laughed and talked for a couple of hours. About 9:37 PM–okay I checked the clock–some said, “Can we help you move around your furniture?”

They had heard me say a I did not like the placement of a few pieces. So, “Sure.”

A most wonderful outcome: my living room is now set up, looks inviting, comfortable and is quite functional. You could hire this bunch out.

So as I went to sleep about 11:26 PM, I marvelled and continue to marvel at the generosity of my friends. Not only was I the recipient of their time and companionship, but their creativity and generosity. I could not say what I did to deserve it but I can say I am grateful. For me this is the Every Where Present exceeding my expectations by tankards full…my cup runneth over with joy.

Bright Moments.

Pulling Pieces Together

It has occurred to me that the pieces are here: one part a sense of the Divine Presence, the Every Where Present, the other part Life as a human being. So, while I am able to clearly see the hand of Source in action in my life, in Life, what more proactive way might I be pulling the two together.

It just seems that instead of simply waiting around for the after. I could be more actively engaged in the before. Where could I use a hand? How could you and avail ourselves of the generosity Spirit lays before us?

Bright Moments.

Running Backwards

When I take in what I have manifested in my life, I am often in awe of how complete a gift I have received.

For example,  by obtaining something like a new mobile phone, it seems at best I am now able to call a friend.

But I am astonished to find later not only am I able to snap a shot, I am occasionally able to snap a good shot. A shot I might even be able to use on my blog. [Not this particular photo but something like it.]

It is just that in running backwards through my prayers, requests, wants, ramblings and manifestations, I am the recipient of more than expected, more than anticipated…and I don’t want to miss a bit of what Every Where Present has in store or stored for me.

Bright moments.

And the answer is…

So Spirit was listening…always is, yes?!

Anyway, you may recall back in post Dancing With Snakes or Starfish Main Course, I shared about my frustration with and need to move.

Well, let me share more…last Saturday my amazing sister drove up and down about 20 streets over and over for 2 hours looking for my future residence. Almost time to be done, I said, “Okay, let me show you the places I know you will love.”

We visit The Marks. In order to tour we must hand over our driver’s license. My irritation hits the high note. The act gives them far more personal information than I feel is necessary for me to take a look. Like a grenade about to explode, I comply and we tour the campus. The location is perfect, the property attractive, the guide–well, overly gabby. But the price more than I want to fork out.

Now to a nearby competitor, Alexan. Wow! Stylish and attractive on the outside. Bright and inviting inside. I figure these must be condos for sale. No, they lease “homes”–apartments. We view a vacant model in the style I want.

As I enter I feel great energy. It is light and bright and spacious. I see the soaking tub, large windows and, OH MY GOODNESS as washer and dryer in the apartment! Wow! My sister snaps the shot below with her phone even though this unit is leased, as the one I am offered is currently occupied.

But place with the ideal location, convenience to work, workout center, pool and hot tub and access to light rail is even more expensive that the last place. Still it feels great.

I spend the week envisioning living in this space.

It is Friday and I am talking to my mother, who alternately makes me crazy and sane. It is a typical mother daughter thing, you know. Anyway, she has seen the she the picture my sister took. She says go for it. She also asks a question about my current debt that gets me to thinking. Well, no, I have no new debt.

I go home, sharpen my pencil and crunch some numbers. I could afford this place. Okay, there will be very little food on the table, but it is doable.

So, I email Heather to ask what is now available. She has a unit available in  June for what my mother tells me will be like $220 more a year. Moms!

I email her back asking what is available in the price arrange we originally discussed.

She replys that the one she showed me is once again available.

We meet. Apparently, 3 other folks applied for the unit and were denied due to background or credit check. If I applied this month I would get $500 off the first month. As my employer is a prefered employer, over $100 in fees are waived. And the deposit is $87 because they use some company who will pay them should the occupant default.

Plus, because of I-can’t-remember-what they will not need to call/check my rental references or employer. Oh, Heather is able to complete my credit check and criminal background check in minutes. I pass! Hum.

We get all of this done in about 15 minutes.

Even she says, “This must have been meant to be!”

I say,”This is just weird.” I am thinking, “God’s got this,” and relax into the chair.

Now, on the next adventure, see what Spirit now has in store…

Surprise Me!

Gossamer Dome

Yesterday morning as I headed out into the world I invited Spirit essentially to surprise me, as I moved forward with the sense I could look forward to something good happening that day.

I have done this before. It is setting an intention for a good day, a really good day. I am anticipating something wonderful. While the words maybe something like “Something good is going to happen today.” The energy is like the excitement of a welcome surprise party in my honor. Which is funny, and let me be clear about this, I generally detest surprises–me being the only one to come unglued while others watch…

Anyway, yesterday was a joy in many ways.

    One I felt better than I had in the previous three days.

    Mindful eating seems to be helping me slow down. I appreciate food without immediately craving more.

    I got asked to provide goals for my bosses performance review–that was a first! Wahoo!

    I was able to log on to my doctor’s Web site after getting a message a few days ago that the log-in had expired weeks ago–plus I did not have to call the office dreaded!

    Plus frumpy pants was in a pretty decent mood! Can I get an “Amen!”

So this day I go forth on a life treasure hunt with the knowing in my heart and soul:

Something wonderful manifests this day!

I am so blessed.

Bright Moments!

Dancing with Snakes or Starfish Main Course — My Choice

I hate moving. Okay, not exactly “hate”…well…yeah, pretty much “hate” moving.

There are not too many activities on earth I dislike, but moving is one and very likely the primary one.

Unless of course the path is clear and easy. Which hasn’t happened for me when moving, how about you?

In fact, in this moment no other task of this level of distaste is coming to mind. Nope, not a one. I think it is safe to say, this one is at the top of my list. I would rather be signed up for a public speaking gig. Oh, but then again, I might take moving over dancing with snakes…maybe.

But then again I am a practitioner and I am aware of the rules of the Universe and Spirit, most definitely, empowered my last move to the point it was smooth, easy and sprinkled with pockets of fun–and tears on a couple of occasions, too, truth be told.

So my choice: neither dancing with snakes nor starfish main course. Rather, I will once again put Spirit to work… Feels kind of powerful to say it that way. In the meantime, I will keep you posted.


Oh, weary heart, laden with earth’s weight and care,
Oh, feet, stumbling on the way, bleeding and bare,
Oh, arms outstretched, and hands upheld in prayer,
Oh, back, which so oft has felt the lash and rod,
Oh, soul, which cries aloud for the living God,
Oh, life, struggling to free itself from the clod;
Know this: there is no power from without,
Yourself must answer every fear and meet all doubt
With some divine, indwelling power
Which you yourself, upon yourself, shall shower;
And giving, take, and taking, give
Unto that life which you, yourself, shall live.

The Science of Mind: Facsimile of the 1926 Edition
Ernest Holmes p 13