Crazy Wisdom Step

If you can’t cross over alive,
how can you cross when you’re dead?

The need to step into what we fear and, in so doing, disperse its hold on us is powerfully brought to life by a moment in the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. After searching everywhere within reason and memory for the Holy Grail, Jones stands on an enormous precipice, deep chasm before him, the Grail waiting on the other side. His father, wounded and depending o the Grail to heal, cries out possible interpretations of the clues Jones has been given to reach the Grail.
After what seems lifetime of inner debate and escalating fear, he dares, against everything he knows, to step into the void above the chasm,, and as he does, an enormous stone foundation appears beneath his feet, a bridge that was there along.
The Book of Awakening, Mark Nepo p 127-128

My intention is to become a mindful eater, to change my relationship with food. In doing so, I have been contemplating sharing my experiences on a company blog on health and fitness. For me, sharing this personal experience feels akin to walking off a precipice. The action reminds me of what Nepo defines as the crazy-wisdom step–that begins with risk and lands with trust–reveals a foundation that was there all along, but which is only made visible by our risk to think and see in new ways and our trust to step into what we fear. (p 128)

Well, golly, what you put it that way! Sheez! How could one fail? Well, truly how could I fail? I am convinced that mindful eating will be of benefit to me. I sense that by including others vicariously in my experience, I will experience an enhanced sense of support. It is not like I will participating in a public weigh in. Plus, my plan is to act now while dating blog posts a month or two out–you know allowing my ego a chance to adjust.

My conjecture is that by making my experience public, a foundation I have not yet envisioned will appear, will be made known to me.

Still, YIKES!

Bright Moments.