Dancing with Snakes or Starfish Main Course — My Choice

I hate moving. Okay, not exactly “hate”…well…yeah, pretty much “hate” moving.

There are not too many activities on earth I dislike, but moving is one and very likely the primary one.

Unless of course the path is clear and easy. Which hasn’t happened for me when moving, how about you?

In fact, in this moment no other task of this level of distaste is coming to mind. Nope, not a one. I think it is safe to say, this one is at the top of my list. I would rather be signed up for a public speaking gig. Oh, but then again, I might take moving over dancing with snakes…maybe.

But then again I am a practitioner and I am aware of the rules of the Universe and Spirit, most definitely, empowered my last move to the point it was smooth, easy and sprinkled with pockets of fun–and tears on a couple of occasions, too, truth be told.

So my choice: neither dancing with snakes nor starfish main course. Rather, I will once again put Spirit to work… Feels kind of powerful to say it that way. In the meantime, I will keep you posted.


Oh, weary heart, laden with earth’s weight and care,
Oh, feet, stumbling on the way, bleeding and bare,
Oh, arms outstretched, and hands upheld in prayer,
Oh, back, which so oft has felt the lash and rod,
Oh, soul, which cries aloud for the living God,
Oh, life, struggling to free itself from the clod;
Know this: there is no power from without,
Yourself must answer every fear and meet all doubt
With some divine, indwelling power
Which you yourself, upon yourself, shall shower;
And giving, take, and taking, give
Unto that life which you, yourself, shall live.

The Science of Mind: Facsimile of the 1926 Edition
Ernest Holmes p 13