On A Clear Day…I can see truth

The really cool part is the more I sink into this teaching, the more I practice what I “teach” the more I am amazed.

For a reason I don’t know or cannot remember I have been adding CLARITY to my spiritual mind treatments for myself. So yes, I am seeing life with more clarity. But the unexpected side effect is a desire to literally clear things out–in my work and home office. Clutter apparently does not co-exist well when one is attracting clarity.

On top of which even more subjects I wonder about become clearer. Praying for clarity is new to me. The Every Where Present knows as the book now on my radar screen is Truth, Triumph and Transformation: Sorting Out the Fact from the Fiction in Universal Law by Sandra Anne Taylor. Whomever does not believe we are all in this together, connecting by thought has not paid attention to experiences like this…I mean when did she start writing this book so that it was ready for  me now?

I am also remembering how when one ( or I) steep myself in the Presence, shift happens.

Suppose one is unable to convince herself of the Truth of the statement which he makes, how is she going to bring herself to a place of belief? By repeating his affirmation, dwelling on its meaning, meditating upon the spiritual significance of it, until the subjective state of her thinking becomes clarified. This is the only reason for repeating treatments, for one treatment would heal if there were no subjective doubts. Repeated treatments induce, within consciousness, a definite concept of an already established truth, even though the fact may not as yet have become objectified. This is why mental healing is scientific. There is no room for doubt in a treatment.

The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes, p 220.4

Nothing but the Truth

Okay, so the results are in and there may be stuff to address. The interesting spiritual part is my journey over the past few weeks towards sort of reckoning but more a brilliant walk up the Divine staircase.

I am speaking of remembering. Remembering truth. Touching TRUTH.

I represent the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. It is unerring, It never makes mistakes. There are no mistakes in the Divine Plan for me. There is no limitation, poverty, want nor lack. I stand in the midst of eternal opportunity, which is forever presenting me with the evidence of its full expression. I am joy, peace and happiness. I am the spirit of joy within me. I am the spirit of peace within me, of poise and of power. I am the spirit of happiness within me. I radiate Life; I am Life. There is One Life and that Life is my life now.

Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind 292.3

The thing is that no matter what I fear may happen to me I have a myriad of ways to respond and at the core is the strength, power and blessing of the Divine. I wonder how it is so easy to forget?

On the other hand, I marvel how Spirit tosses lit matches every once in a while to see if I am paying attention with opportunity to re-focus. God bless.

And so it is.

Clearing Space

Clearing space, making room…I spent a chunk of time at church this weekend.  I probably should say more importantly I spent time in my spiritual practices.  By the end of Sunday, I am feeling open, like there is a clean slate, a blank canvas.

I am not 100% sure why.

Yes, Dr. Lloyd Tupper spoke about standing on the threshold of our good and then going on through. Then too I held consciousness during service which is an awakening experience. Plus, I prayed with 7 or 8 willing congregants. So, yes, my ground was fertile.

I know that I am now at the threshold of all good, wisdom and truth. Dr. Lloyd Tupper

Possibly due to the visit of the little red sister emotions presented more easily. But truthfully, I am of the mind that my personal prayer/commitment during service played a significant role. I moved to a place of surrender in the quest for finding a mate. Recent dates produced no lasting results. My initial response led me to focus more on giving than receiving. That is, to put my amazing energy and caloso resources to use fulfilling my purpose or Spirit’s purpose. Only my plan solely focused out. As I listened to Dr. Tupper it became apparent that the Universe isn’t asking me to go without or deprive myself.

But rather what I sense reflects value in receiving AFTER giving. This is a very different energy–much like the difference between receiving praise for a before planting a garden and reaping a harvest and praise received afterwards. Doing the work in between is crucial.

I am going to soak on this a bit more.

When I clear space for the Every Where Present, the Every Where Present  clears space for me. In that clearing all things are possible, their is a keen sense of hope and the promise of the brand new day.  With the fact of the new day, I am no longer caring around the load or feeling the weight of past events. I am more able to appreciate this day and more present in the moment allowing it to be more vibrant and alive in me.

The greatest personal hygiene daily is to daily declare one’s immortality. Carl Jung [reportedly written in a letter to Ernest Holmes]

As Dr. Tupper ended his message, I say to you, “Good Morning.”

The Other Shoe

I told–well, probably more like whined–to a friend about my feeling that as I had faced so many challenges in recent years, I continue to cringe in anticipation of what will happen next. I felt like a human chicken little. I move about in expectation of the other shoe dropping.

To which she replied, “The other shoe has already dropped.”

Well, hush my mouth! What an amazing, welcome paradigm shift!

I experienced a keen sense of the Every Where Present thrill at finally edging this message in amongst all my thoughts. The clear voice of  Source allowing me to move forward un-crouched, unbent, non-cringing…unfurled. This perspective resonates.

Okay, a piece of me wonders if another round of shoes dropping lies  in wait. But mostly, how cool to feel a round of challenge has come full circle. Hear: sigh of relief.

Bright Moments.

Some Where in the Middle

Move tomorrow. Warn out today. Mentally zonk, yet spiritually intrigued. The All permeates this move. In part by invitation. In part by duty. I am astounded by the mental and emotional support, as well as the guidance.

Overnight an opening came through for me to stay home from work today. In this way I could do some packing outside before a potential storm. No real storm, but made good progress on packing and sorting.

Ran errands and felt Divine guidance where to go.

Praying, treating and meditating through the day allowed me to release upset emotional energy. Which is normal, expected; what was surprises is that the key is not just the awareness of having Spirit present but actively engaging Spirit going deeper. Who know?!!

I am experiencing this opportunity to observe this stressful process from the peaceful sidelines so the Divine Presence.

I am reminded of the passage:

Let nothing upset me
Let nothing frighten me
Everything is changing
God along is changeless
Patience attains the goal.

My understanding takes deeper roots.

Moreover, I am called to seek amazing possibilities amidst all this chaos, to truly step up as though there was barriers. Amazing!

Sleep now.

Crazy Wisdom Step

If you can’t cross over alive,
how can you cross when you’re dead?

The need to step into what we fear and, in so doing, disperse its hold on us is powerfully brought to life by a moment in the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. After searching everywhere within reason and memory for the Holy Grail, Jones stands on an enormous precipice, deep chasm before him, the Grail waiting on the other side. His father, wounded and depending o the Grail to heal, cries out possible interpretations of the clues Jones has been given to reach the Grail.
After what seems lifetime of inner debate and escalating fear, he dares, against everything he knows, to step into the void above the chasm,, and as he does, an enormous stone foundation appears beneath his feet, a bridge that was there along.
The Book of Awakening, Mark Nepo p 127-128

My intention is to become a mindful eater, to change my relationship with food. In doing so, I have been contemplating sharing my experiences on a company blog on health and fitness. For me, sharing this personal experience feels akin to walking off a precipice. The action reminds me of what Nepo defines as the crazy-wisdom step–that begins with risk and lands with trust–reveals a foundation that was there all along, but which is only made visible by our risk to think and see in new ways and our trust to step into what we fear. (p 128)

Well, golly, what you put it that way! Sheez! How could one fail? Well, truly how could I fail? I am convinced that mindful eating will be of benefit to me. I sense that by including others vicariously in my experience, I will experience an enhanced sense of support. It is not like I will participating in a public weigh in. Plus, my plan is to act now while dating blog posts a month or two out–you know allowing my ego a chance to adjust.

My conjecture is that by making my experience public, a foundation I have not yet envisioned will appear, will be made known to me.

Still, YIKES!

Bright Moments.

The Best

The best, like water
Benefit all and do not compete.
They dwell in lowly spots that everyone else scorns.
Putting others before themselves
The find themselves in the foremost place
And come very near to the Tao.
In their dwelling, they love the earth;
In their heart, they love what is deep;
In their personal relationships, they love kindness;
In their word they love truth.
In the world, they love peace.
In their personal affairs, they love what is right.
In action, they love choosing the right time.
It is because they do not compete with others
That they are beyond the reproach of the world.

Lao Tzu
Passage Meditation, Eknath Easwaran p 39

In passage meditation one is encouraged to memorize a scripture or sacred text, on which to meditate. When I first read this piece, it did not sink in. I did not understand it. I suspect I have mental blocks from when approaching anything in poem format due to past traumas!
This morning though, is speaks to me. I am pondering what it is to be “the best” and to “not compete.”

Yesterday I had a meeting at work. I had reached my limit emotionally with trying to address a challenge, but also a limit on who to go to and how to get some resolution. I could not understand how I could so easily see a situation as problematic while others could not. It was crazy-making!

They meeting went surprisingly well…and okay it was stacked in my favor as two of my many bosses actively attended. I don’t believe I have ever known such guileless, freely given support. I am grateful.

Yet there was not tension in the exchange. Everyone used their good company manners. The issue was thoroughly discussed. A plan was created and a deal line set.

Upon reflection, I witness behavior of “the best.” But even more I got to move in the role of “the best.” Before attending the gathering I felt the support of the Universe. My sense was that this coming together would be productive and resistance free. That I could attend without having to make threat, lead the offensive or be on the defensive. That was a first for me with a work issue which for me is so emotionally charged.

Every where present. I marvel how Source demonstrations before I know I am in need, and without my even asking. So very, amazingly blessed.

Peace. Out.

Everything is Coming Up Roses

The more I focus my awareness on the every where present, the more I witness acts, the more I am able to employ, consciously and not-so-consciously Source.

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.
~Albert Einstein

I am remembering that Source is paying attention to me and my goings on
I am remembering that I have but to ask
I am remembering with God all things are possible
I am remembering that there is nothing too big for God

So a couple months ago I spoke into a room of Religious Science Practitioners my desire to be a writer. To this day I have to squelch the squeaky voice in my head that whines/sneers, Doesn’t everyone?!! Since my pronouncement outside my head–as it had dwell in my heart always:

    I have met and cozied up with a real live professional photojournalist and published author who is inspired and inspiring, not to mention supportive and encouraging
    I have most faithfully been writing EveryWherePresent
    My thoughts of writing a novel or book of some sort have been rekindled
    and most astonishingly to me, in recent days the type of book, the basic story and the why of even writing the thing popped into my being, becoming known and clear [non-fiction with a spiritual bent on my experience with cancer]

I am so JAZZED!

If you only knew who you really are, you’d be starstruck.
Victoria Moran
Science of Mind Magazine April 2010 p 55

Bright Moments

And so it is.

Whenever I Act I Always Feel Better

Once upon a time in a workshop, we were given a list of affirmations. One of them was: Whenever I act I always feel better. Which to me is not an affirmation, really, but is definitely a truism.

I find that when life is kicking me in the ribs, drowning me in various forms, and then I do something–and this can be pretty much anything–I do feel better. It can feel like literally regaining the reins of a event gone wild. Of course, it works best when the action has something to do with addressing or solving the challenge. Taking action shifts energy; it creates space for a new and potentially more welcome outcome. Taking action manifests the fruits of the every where present.

In my experience, this is making way for Source to enter. It is in part the familiar adage:

If you always do
What you have always done
You will always get
What you always got

It is also about the partnership or co-creation going on. If I stand still holding my end of the log while Spirit embraces the other end, all that can happen is Spirit getting dizzy walking in circles! However, when I take even one meek step in at least the circle moves. But what I find is that more importantly, I gain new faith I am able to effect the situation, my life. Hope is restored.
dulldrums, I went in search of one kind of Web site only to find another. But this other has been a joy. I have met some new people who are giving me fresh ideas
Of late, in wanting to bust out of my to consider. With each action, my spirit rises and I feel better and more optimistic about life and all that lay ahead.

And so it is.

Abandoned Ship

Ask yourself, “Am I more interested in where I am than what I am? Am I only interested in pleasing my five senses? p. 78

Spirit is that which causes the individual to be a participant in life. Spirit is that in you which causes you to function. It is an inner demand. p 80

Collected Wisdom
Dr. Raymond Charles Barker

In striving to find my footing again amiss craziness, it occurred to me that though I may be “crazy” in one area of my life, I may not be in my whole entire life! In other words, yes, I can be working to make some part of me better, but simply having to do the work does not constitute a crisis in the whole of me.

Then I came across the statements above in Barker’s book. Remembering who I am and what I am and that I am constitutes the grounding rod in me, the defining compass, the inner knowing.

That core beam infinitely and seamless connects with everywherepresent Source. When I am dangling off the side of the ship instead of firmly attached to the forward bow–or whatever one is suppose to be attached to on a boat–my ship is running a muck!

What consistently amazes me is how, on occasion, when I am not in alignment with the core of my being and the core of all beings, I don’t immediately realize it. I am not on the first floor landing of my deck doing a happy life jig. No, I am inverted, swaying to and fro by one tenuous rope off the back of the ship contemplating where I am going to hit the water, creating my own signature wake. My focus is saturated by the needs of my five senses!

And–quite honestly, righting myself, reclaiming my footing, once again, consciously climbing aboard, calms the waters, stabilizes my compass, revisions my course and reminds me that all the while I am the captain of my vessel.

For this remembrance, this knowing and so very much more from the all that is, I am grateful.

And so it is.

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