Whenever I Act I Always Feel Better

Once upon a time in a workshop, we were given a list of affirmations. One of them was: Whenever I act I always feel better. Which to me is not an affirmation, really, but is definitely a truism.

I find that when life is kicking me in the ribs, drowning me in various forms, and then I do something–and this can be pretty much anything–I do feel better. It can feel like literally regaining the reins of a event gone wild. Of course, it works best when the action has something to do with addressing or solving the challenge. Taking action shifts energy; it creates space for a new and potentially more welcome outcome. Taking action manifests the fruits of the every where present.

In my experience, this is making way for Source to enter. It is in part the familiar adage:

If you always do
What you have always done
You will always get
What you always got

It is also about the partnership or co-creation going on. If I stand still holding my end of the log while Spirit embraces the other end, all that can happen is Spirit getting dizzy walking in circles! However, when I take even one meek step in at least the circle moves. But what I find is that more importantly, I gain new faith I am able to effect the situation, my life. Hope is restored.
dulldrums, I went in search of one kind of Web site only to find another. But this other has been a joy. I have met some new people who are giving me fresh ideas
Of late, in wanting to bust out of my to consider. With each action, my spirit rises and I feel better and more optimistic about life and all that lay ahead.

And so it is.