Clearing Space

Clearing space, making room…I spent a chunk of time at church this weekend.  I probably should say more importantly I spent time in my spiritual practices.  By the end of Sunday, I am feeling open, like there is a clean slate, a blank canvas.

I am not 100% sure why.

Yes, Dr. Lloyd Tupper spoke about standing on the threshold of our good and then going on through. Then too I held consciousness during service which is an awakening experience. Plus, I prayed with 7 or 8 willing congregants. So, yes, my ground was fertile.

I know that I am now at the threshold of all good, wisdom and truth. Dr. Lloyd Tupper

Possibly due to the visit of the little red sister emotions presented more easily. But truthfully, I am of the mind that my personal prayer/commitment during service played a significant role. I moved to a place of surrender in the quest for finding a mate. Recent dates produced no lasting results. My initial response led me to focus more on giving than receiving. That is, to put my amazing energy and caloso resources to use fulfilling my purpose or Spirit’s purpose. Only my plan solely focused out. As I listened to Dr. Tupper it became apparent that the Universe isn’t asking me to go without or deprive myself.

But rather what I sense reflects value in receiving AFTER giving. This is a very different energy–much like the difference between receiving praise for a before planting a garden and reaping a harvest and praise received afterwards. Doing the work in between is crucial.

I am going to soak on this a bit more.

When I clear space for the Every Where Present, the Every Where Present  clears space for me. In that clearing all things are possible, their is a keen sense of hope and the promise of the brand new day.  With the fact of the new day, I am no longer caring around the load or feeling the weight of past events. I am more able to appreciate this day and more present in the moment allowing it to be more vibrant and alive in me.

The greatest personal hygiene daily is to daily declare one’s immortality. Carl Jung [reportedly written in a letter to Ernest Holmes]

As Dr. Tupper ended his message, I say to you, “Good Morning.”

My Cup Runneth Over

Once the bulk of my move was completed, my brother suggested I plan a housewarming within a month as incentive to get boxes open in a timely manner and to reconnect with friends in the area.

Well, the shindig happened Friday evening. My expectations were minimal: I would be THRILLED if just my sister and sister-in-law to be joined me. Plus, even the thought those two were coming for a visit would be good incentive to get settled.

So I sent out an invite to about 15 lady friends. 9 folks showed! Two men…and may I say, “WHAT FUN!”

Had no idea what to expect as I simply moved in to a nice apartment and do not need any “thing.” We laughed and talked for a couple of hours. About 9:37 PM–okay I checked the clock–some said, “Can we help you move around your furniture?”

They had heard me say a I did not like the placement of a few pieces. So, “Sure.”

A most wonderful outcome: my living room is now set up, looks inviting, comfortable and is quite functional. You could hire this bunch out.

So as I went to sleep about 11:26 PM, I marvelled and continue to marvel at the generosity of my friends. Not only was I the recipient of their time and companionship, but their creativity and generosity. I could not say what I did to deserve it but I can say I am grateful. For me this is the Every Where Present exceeding my expectations by tankards full…my cup runneth over with joy.

Bright Moments.

Pulling Pieces Together

It has occurred to me that the pieces are here: one part a sense of the Divine Presence, the Every Where Present, the other part Life as a human being. So, while I am able to clearly see the hand of Source in action in my life, in Life, what more proactive way might I be pulling the two together.

It just seems that instead of simply waiting around for the after. I could be more actively engaged in the before. Where could I use a hand? How could you and avail ourselves of the generosity Spirit lays before us?

Bright Moments.

The Walks Have Ears

So, with my move, I am now able walk to and from my day job. It is about a mile.

Well, mornings are lovely! It is cool and fresh and unhurried. Dew gently moistens surrounding foliage, buds are contemplating blooming. Quiet pervades the space as most folks aren’t truly awake yet, just walking around part comatose in their mobile homes.

Anyway, a couple days I was musing about a couple potential challenges, like the return walk occurring during the hottest part of the afternoon–3 PM.

As I am reaching my destination this morning, the Every Where Present, the still small voice reminds me that I love walking and mornings, so as the weather heats up why not extend my morning walk. Then take the free, afternoon shuttle home.

I love when that happens! When simple doable solutions present themselves without fanfare or fuss. Some folks talk about having a problem and then when they least expect an answer–like in the shower or when driving–it shows up. Well, in my experience it happens everywhere and with the smallest of issues, too.

So grateful, so blessed.

Bright Moments.

The Other Shoe

I told–well, probably more like whined–to a friend about my feeling that as I had faced so many challenges in recent years, I continue to cringe in anticipation of what will happen next. I felt like a human chicken little. I move about in expectation of the other shoe dropping.

To which she replied, “The other shoe has already dropped.”

Well, hush my mouth! What an amazing, welcome paradigm shift!

I experienced a keen sense of the Every Where Present thrill at finally edging this message in amongst all my thoughts. The clear voice of  Source allowing me to move forward un-crouched, unbent, non-cringing…unfurled. This perspective resonates.

Okay, a piece of me wonders if another round of shoes dropping lies  in wait. But mostly, how cool to feel a round of challenge has come full circle. Hear: sigh of relief.

Bright Moments.

Running Backwards

When I take in what I have manifested in my life, I am often in awe of how complete a gift I have received.

For example,  by obtaining something like a new mobile phone, it seems at best I am now able to call a friend.

But I am astonished to find later not only am I able to snap a shot, I am occasionally able to snap a good shot. A shot I might even be able to use on my blog. [Not this particular photo but something like it.]

It is just that in running backwards through my prayers, requests, wants, ramblings and manifestations, I am the recipient of more than expected, more than anticipated…and I don’t want to miss a bit of what Every Where Present has in store or stored for me.

Bright moments.

Unexpected Tithing

When I think of tithing I think of the–was it a sheep herder–in the Bible, who had 10 sheep,  who in some way benefited from JC’s council that he “paid” JC in the form of one sheep. One-tenth. A tithe.

Some time ago I learned of this concept of “unexpected income” from Dr. Roger  at Mile Hi Church. The idea is draw my attention to the givingness of God. Because otherwise it is easy to only note the obvious ways one receives like from a paycheck.

I find this practice fascinating, riveting and compelling. For whether it be someone buying me lunch, repaying a debt or a refund check in the mail, I am amazed to note that receiving is an ongoing happening in life.

Well, to helps us cozy up to the spiritual practice of tithing, Dr. Roger proposes one tithe only on unexpected income. I have felt especially blessed in recent months, despite the “dreaded move” that I am actively looking out for sources of unexpected income and then tithing on them.

Further, what I find interesting about tithing  is that, according to Roger, the idea is not simply to give but to give to that which nourishes one spiritually. Besides my church, I feel my niece and nephews often act as my spiritual guides.

To be true to the practice, the giving is to be at least one-tenth of what is received. I remember a minister getting absolutely jazzed about tithing on unexpected income as he spoke about seeing it everywhere in a myriad of forms. His infectious enthusiasm vividly paints this memory in my mind.

In my heart though, I wonder if the gift of tithing for me is in drawing my attention to Source’s generosity reminding me that though I grow tired and weary and feel lost at times, the Every Where Present is every on it.

Bright Moments.

Sliding Down the Other Side

I made it! For the most part I am moved, for a large part not completely unpacked. Got a plan, though. We shall see…

Now, true to form, the further I move through this life event, once again coming to sea level, to even keal, I am able to see the hand of Every Where Present throughout my move, this process. [Quite frankly, while I was in the thick of it…not so much.]

My family has been invaluable, taking different days and elements of moving. A new lovely in my life even shed a bunch of sweat to help me get my furniture and things to the 3rd floor sans an elevator!

Plus, their languaging keeps me forward focused.

Then, OMG what an awesome community I find myself in!

There is freshness here. The dawn of a new day.

I am so blessed. So, amazingly and truly blessed.

Pail Sideways

A pail turned on its side cannot be filled with rain from heaven.
Ernest Holmes, Words That Heal

Some Where in the Middle

Move tomorrow. Warn out today. Mentally zonk, yet spiritually intrigued. The All permeates this move. In part by invitation. In part by duty. I am astounded by the mental and emotional support, as well as the guidance.

Overnight an opening came through for me to stay home from work today. In this way I could do some packing outside before a potential storm. No real storm, but made good progress on packing and sorting.

Ran errands and felt Divine guidance where to go.

Praying, treating and meditating through the day allowed me to release upset emotional energy. Which is normal, expected; what was surprises is that the key is not just the awareness of having Spirit present but actively engaging Spirit going deeper. Who know?!!

I am experiencing this opportunity to observe this stressful process from the peaceful sidelines so the Divine Presence.

I am reminded of the passage:

Let nothing upset me
Let nothing frighten me
Everything is changing
God along is changeless
Patience attains the goal.

My understanding takes deeper roots.

Moreover, I am called to seek amazing possibilities amidst all this chaos, to truly step up as though there was barriers. Amazing!

Sleep now.

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